Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sarah Kate's Karate Video

Good news! We finally figured out why our computer wasn't recognizing our video camera. Don't worry, I won't bore you with the details. Most importantly this mean that I can start adding videos to my blog. YEAH!!! I realize Sarah Kate's karate test was clear back in the beginning of February, but I wanted to show her breaking her board anyway. She tried so hard and did such a good job.

There's a friend in our ward whose son is a belt higher than Sarah Kate. He was there watching his son and we did a camera swap that worked out quite well. While one of us was holding their child's board the other was running their camera. It was nice to be able to hold the board for Sarah and still know it was getting recorded. She's sure grown up since the last video I posted, hu!

1 comment:

Four Winns said...

This is so lame but I seriously teared up when she finally broke the board! I thought it was great!