Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

I realized when I shot this picture that I was shooting it into the sun, but with Gracie strapped to me and all the people around, it was the best I could do. They still look cute and excited (well Ben and Sarah look excited, Hannah looks a little confused.)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Ours was very busy with fun activities, cute dresses, and even a little learning. The Saturday before Easter weekend they had an Easter Egg hunt at the shopping center where we do karate. The kids walk around to the various store and get candy, it's loads of fun. They've always held it from 12:00 to 2:00 so at about 1:15 we took the kids down only to discover it had been from 11:00-1:00 and we missed it. The kids were very disappointed to say the least. It turned out OK though. The community we live in does a real Easter Egg hunt the Saturday before Easter (I was very happily surprised to see that it was held on Saturday instead of Sunday which is when they typically do things out here.) I signed the kids up and first thing Saturday morning we took of to the Easter Egg hunt.

Ben"hunting" for eggs.

I was single parenting again (Kenny has been doing a huge amount of overtime getting ready for a deadline this Friday) which would have been OK, but the kids were split up into groups by age and it just so happened that all three kids were in different groups. I, of course, had to take Hannah, which left Ben and Sarah to go on their own. Sarah didn't mind, but Ben was not very excited about going at it alone. I told him he could go with his group or he could stay with Sarah and go with the big kids. He chose to stay with Sarah, meaning he was in the area where the eggs were hidden the hardest. This meant he didn't get very many eggs. It was OK though, he had a lot of fun anyway, and there was a very nice boy who gave Ben one of his eggs because Ben didn't have very many.

Hannah finding an egg.

Hannah didn't understand what was going on at first. She was amazed by all the kids and I could tell she thought it was strange that I was asking her to pick up eggs and put them in her bucket. We probably should have prepped her a little better before going. She did very well once she got the hang of it once she stopped looking for Sarah and Ben.

Sarah searching the leaves for eggs. She just wouldn't give up and I had to practically drag her back to the car.

The kids had a lot of fun and luckily didn't get too many eggs. Sarah was a little disappointed, but then I reminded her how much fun she had, that she got the most eggs out of the family, and just how many kids there were and she decided it was OK. I think we may do it next year, only this time we'll take Daddy for help.

This is my kids being super cooperative for a picture.

1 comment:

Justin and Coralie said...

These are so cute, Katie! I'm glad y'all had a fun Easter :)