Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hannah's Bubble and Animal Talk

Many have heard that our little Hannah Banana isn't doing much talking. OK to be honest she's not really talking at all. So during her birthday we took some video of her with her bubbles and making a few animal sounds. I thought I'd share with you just how little she does talk. Remember she just turned two and should have may recognizable words by now and also remember that, thanks to her speech therapist Stacy, this is a huge step forward from where she used to be. Even with the lack of talking I think it 's cute and so is she.

Just so you know on the animal sounds she does say are: sheep when asked what a sheep says, she says tiger when she turns to the tiger page, and she says soft when she gets to the bunny. I'm sure, however, that you all got that without me telling you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for:-) Love reading about your family and how everyone's doing....have a fun summer....Love to all, Aunt Di