Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Making of a Zombie Dress

When your 10 year old daughter tells you she wants to be a Zombie Prom Queen for Halloween you have to use your imagination and creative skills in order to make the perfect costume.  Luckily I have a great husband who is very imaginative and creative   :)  I took Sarah to the DI (a secondhand store here in Utah) and found the perfect prom dress that fit her for only $10.  We brought it home and asked daddy to Zombiefy it.  It started with fire.  Every zombie dress needs fire, right?

Sarah wanted to help with the fire, but after the first time she got totally freaked out.
She decided to just let Daddy burn it while she watched.
Kenny did such a good job with the fire.
Next the dress needs a few rips and claw marks.  I didn't get pictures of these, but you can just use your imagination.  After it's been torn you have to add blood.  What's a zombie without dried blood.  We made some homemade blood and had Sarah put her dress on so we could properly bloody her.

Sarah did not like the blood.
Kenny enjoyed it though.  (I love this picture because I love his face.)
Adding a bloody wound on the side of Sarah's dress.
And there you have a pretty awesome zombie dress.  Sarah was not sure about all Kenny was doing to her dress while he was doing it.  I think she didn't understand what the final dress would be.  When he finally finished she was very happy with it.  I think she looks awesome.  Such a pretty zombie.

The finished Zombie dress.

The back of the dress.

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