Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let It Snow!

My goofy kids playing in the snow.

The first snowfall of the season came on November 9th.  The forecast called for rain until about 3:00 and then the snow to start falling.  We were really surprised to wake up to a blanket of snow and especially to an entire day of falling snow.  The kids were so excited.  Luckily Kenny and I were prepared this year, shocking I know.  We had gone up to Park City 2 weekends ago and gotten the rest of the snow clothes the kids needed.  So, I bundled the 3 oldest in warm clothes and sent them off to school.  Luckily it was a Friday which means early out.  The kids got home around 2:00 and were out playing in the snow by 2:30.  

Gracie, Daniel and Hannah enjoying the snow.

Adam loved the snow.  I wasn't sure, being that he's only 2, that he'd like the cold, but he jumped right in and played for at least an hour.
Ben wanted a jumping picture, so a jumping picture is just what I took.
Hannah building a snowman.

Gracie Playing.

Adam playing in the staying warm in the snow.

Sarah ready to hit me with a snowball.
Daniel loved the snow the most and keeps asking me to make it snow more.
Ben's a great big brother.  I love how he's letting Adam help him build his snowman.
Hannah showing off her snowman.

Playing! The kids stayed outside for at least an hour, the bigger kids were out there for at least 3 hours.  When they were all done they came in for hot chocolate.  We sure do love the snow.

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