Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sarah's Growing Up

Sarah has been bugging me FOREVER to let her get her hair cut, get bangs, and get contacts.  I've been putting it off for numerous reasons.  I love her with long hair and I didn't want her to cut it all off again.  I hate, let me repeat myself so you understand me correctly, I HATE bangs.  They are such a pain in the bum and I'd rather not have to deal with them.  And contacts!  What can I say about the contacts?  They're expensive, for starters.  She's only 10 and I didn't know if she could even get them in her eyes. And I knew they would make her look WAY too grown up.  All things I was not looking forward to.  I did, however, decide that my little Sarah Kate is 10 going on at least 15 and she is indeed growing up.  I knew I needed to start letting her grow up and make her own choices on things.  

So, October was a big month for Sarah.  She got her hair cut, to my happiness she didn't cut it really short just a trim and some layers, and she got bangs.  A week later she got new glasses and contacts.  She is indeed growing up.  I think she looks beautiful and the shock of my girl growing up has worn off and I'm glad I let her make her own choices. Her bangs are still a pain in the bum, just like I knew they would be, and we often pin them back so we don't have to bother with them, but I'm glad she has them and has the option to have them if she wants.  She has done really well with her contacts and learned very quickly how to put them in and take them out.  She has only ripped one contact and that was during the first week when they were covered by the eye doctors so we got a free replacement.  She was threatened with her life, or at least the real possibility of no longer having contacts, if she didn't keep her fingernails clipped.  She has done much better since then.  It's nice to be able to better see her beautiful eyes, even if she does look much too grown up.


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