Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gracie Grace Turns 5

Gracie with all her presents.

Gracie turned 5 on October 19th.  I can't believe how quickly she's growing up.  She was so excited to turn 5 because, like all the other kids, she knew that 5 was the age you have to be to start kindergarten.  Poor Gracie has to wait almost an entire year before she can start school.  She's a little bummed by that, but still happy to be 5.  

What is there to say about Gracie?  She is one of a kind.  She's very independent and knows what she wants.  She's somewhat stubborn because of this fact, but she is very sweet at the same time.  She's full of energy, loves her family and loves to be goofy.  She's always talking and one of her favorite things is to find random people and compliment them.  This made me uncomfortable at first, but now I love it.  She's tell some stranger in Walmart that she likes her shirt or her hair.  She'll tell someone they're pretty or nice.  She always brightens people's day and I learn a lot from her willingness to talk to people.  She does like to hug random people also (mostly older/grandparent type people) and we've been trying to discourage this, but the same holds true.  She's a sweetheart who enjoys brightening peoples days.

On Gracie's birthday we had a little family party for her.  She got to open presents and then we had cake and ice cream.  She got a new doll and a rocking horse/stroller thing.  She got some Zoobles and a kids Barbie.  She was pretty happy with her gifts and happy to finally have her birthday.

Showing her pillowcase from Grandma and Grandpa Newbry.
Opening a present.  Apparently she was happy with it.

Showing off one of her presents.
Opening up her doll.
The kids playing with Gracie's toys.

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