Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wearing Mom's Clothes

My goofy kids dressing in my clothes. (I have know idea what Ben's doing in this picture. Being silly like always, I guess.)

Kenny came home last weekend and so I spent most of Friday cleaning and getting ready for him. I wanted to have the house clean, the laundry done, and all those other annoying things done so I didn't have to worry about them when he was home. I was cleaning the kitchen during nap time and I sent Ben and Sarah into my room to sort out the clean clothes. I could hear them in there giggling (which I LOVE to hear) and having a great time together. About 30 minutes later Sarah came out with one of my shirts on and her shirt on over it, but not pulled down all the way. I laughed at her and told her she was a silly goofball. She was headed back to change when Ben came out in my pink shirt I wear over my white one. He made me laugh right out loud. What a goofy bunch of kids I have. I just had to grab the camera to take a picture for Kenny. It's silly things like this that make me love being a mom.

Ben decided he wanted to be Tarzan. Doesn't that shirt just scream Tarzan?

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