Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Easter Sunday

My handsome Ben. He's getting so big.

Easter is such a wonderful holiday. First we get to be reminded of one of the greatest events in history of the world, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I love Easter simply for that fact. It is such a great reminder of what Jesus did for us and of the simple fact that he will always be there for us. I don't know how I could make it through this crazy life without that knowledge and the knowledge that because of him I can return to Heavenly Father. What a great blessing.

I also love Easter because of it's time of year. This goes along with the Resurrection very nicely. Easter is in the spring which to me is the season of life and new birth. I love the springtime because the world is coming alive after it's long winter slumber and the animals are all having their new babies. What a wonderful time of year.

Easter this year fell on April 24th and we had beautiful spring weather. The sun was shining, the wind was not blowing and the temperatures were very seasonably warm. It was a great day to celebrate the holiday. We headed to church and enjoyed listening to Gracie give her first ever talk in primary. She did wonderfully and we were so proud of her. After that the Easter Bunny made a quick trip to the house to fill Easter baskets and set out eggs for an Easter egg hunt.

What a cute boy digging in his basket to see what he has hidden in the grass.

Hannah enjoying some delicious Peeps. The Easter Bunny was so nice to bring her pink ones. Pink her favorite color and she was so happy.

The Easter Bunny left the baskets by the back door. Gracie didn't even bother to move hers. She just crouched down and started eating candy.

After church we came home to find the baskets the Easter Bunny had left. What a surprise it was to the kids. I love watching my kids get the same joy out of holiday's that I got. They were spoiled with way too much candy (Easter candy is the greatest candy ever) and they loved every minute of it.

After awhile of looking at all the candy they had been given we convinced Dan to step outside in the backyard. He discovered the other Easter eggs left by the Easter Bunny and soon the kids were all outside on another Easter Egg hunt. This year the Easter Bunny learned that if he's going to hide Easter Eggs during the middle block of church and then wait for the family to finish up at church, he shouldn't leave chocolate in those eggs that are laying out in the sun. Luckily the kids didn't mind scrapping chocolate of the wrappers of their favorite candies.

The little kids looking for eggs all over the back yard.

I think she found one.

Dan found one too.

The girls looking of any eggs they could find.

I love this picture of Gracie. She looks so sweet in her dress as she dumps jellybeans from one part of the egg to the other. To me it's a great Easter picture.

Ben found a lot of eggs. He's a great egg finder (and luckily a great sharer also.)

Adam didn't get any candy or eggs, but he enjoyed crawling around on the grass outside.

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