Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Logan, How I Love Thee

Kenny was suppose to come home the weekend of May 21, but I got a call from him that Friday saying they were staying in Oregon to work over the weekend. School was almost out and things were really crazy at the house. With Kenny gone I was having a hard time figuring out how to be a single parent. The kids were pushing the boundaries to see what they could get away with and I just really wanted a break. When I heard Kenny wasn't coming home I made the quick decision to leave. I needed out of Idaho Falls and I was getting out. So, I packed while the kids were in school and when they got home we headed for Logan. I hadn't been out of Idaho Falls since before Adam was born (that was over 9 months) and I was in desperate need of a change of scenery. The drive was long, but this kids did fairly well and it was very worth it.

Walking around the neighborhood with Grandma and Grandpa.

On Friday night we hung out with Grandma and Grandpa. We had pizza for dinner and took a walk around the neighborhood. The kids played the Wii and then I put them to bed. It was a nice relaxing evening, just what I needed. Saturday's weather was wonderful which I totally didn't expect when I decided to go. Luckily I packed shorts just in case. Saturday morning I headed off to visit a friend from high school. She cuts hair and had agreed to fix the horrible cut that I had gotten a few weeks early. While I was gone Grandpa and the kids set up the tramp so when I got back everyone was hanging out in the back enjoying the nice weather.

Jumping on the tramp. Grandpa's always good to set the tramp up for the kids when we come visit on warm days.

If the kids are lucky, Grandpa might even jump with them.

After some fun in the backyard we headed to Chuck-a-Rama for lunch. My Aunt Cindy joined us and so did my cousin Daniel and his two kids Luke and Layna. It was so fun to see them. Dan heads to the mid west in about a month to do his residency (he's going to be an ER doctor) so it was great to see him before he moved. His kids are so cute and they are getting so big, so fast.

When we were done eating we went back to grandma's to nap the little boys. I let the little girls stay up because it was a special weekend and besides, I knew they wouldn't sleep anyway. After naps was bowling time. I called my cousin Kristin and they met us at the bowling alley. The kids had a blast bowling and the adults had fun watching. (I was the only adult who bowled, thank you very much.)
The stroller of bowling shoes. Now that's a lot of yellowish-green and orange shoes.

Ben's in total concentration.

Beautiful Hannah

The 2 babies! My cousin Kristin's little boy Charlie is 6 weeks older than Adam. It's going to be so fun to watch these two when they get older.

After bowling we headed back to the house where I left the kids with grandma and grandpa so I could go have dinner with some friends. It was so nice to have some adult time. I've missed it so much. I met Cami, Tara, and Jessica at the Copper Mill for dinner and then went to the mall to return some stuff for Tara. After that we went out for desert and just talked. It was so nice to see them and to spend time without my kids. I miss having friends and I've decided I need to find a way to get some.

We went to church on Sunday with my parents and then we were suppose to head to Kenny's sister's house, but there was an accident before we left. My mom's dog was playing outside when it ran out in front of a car and was hit and killed. It was such a sad thing to have happen. I felt horrible for my mom who had to go pick her up and put her in the box I had gotten. Dad was still at the church (he's in the bishopric and often doesn't get home for at least an hour after church gets out.) I'm glad I was there for her, but at the same time I felt so bad that we were there. Telling the kids was so hard and I felt bad my mom had to deal with that also. Hannah and Sarah cried and cried (they're the most sensitive.) We had a nice long talk about death and then, when Grandpa got home, we buried her in the backyard. It was such a sad thing for everyone, but it was a good lesson for the kids.

After Cassie was buried and the kids were over the initial shock of the whole thing, we packed up to head to Kingston's. We were a few hours late, but no one else had arrived yet so it was OK. We spent the rest of the evening hanging out with Kenny's family. It was so fun to see the Kingston cousins whom we haven't seen in almost 9 months and to see Grandma and Grandpa Newbry whom we haven't seen since Christmas. We left way late and got home around 11. Everyone was tired and both the kids and I slept through our alarms the next day. Ooops! The kids ended up being about 30 minutes late for school. It was the first day they were late all year and Sarah was devastated because she was trying so hard for the perfect attendance and no tarty award at the end of school. Luckily it was the last week of school and they had already determined who got the awards and who didn't, so she got one despite the tarty. I dodged the bullet on that one. No matter what, it was worth the trip. We had a great time and can't wait to go back when it gets even warmer.

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