Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kids Spring Concert

The kids had their spring concert on May 5th. Kenny had already left for Oregon so it meant that I would be taking all 6 kids to the concert by myself. I'll admit I was not looking forward to it. The kids were, however, and I just knew we had to go. So I loaded the kids up in the car, nice and early (I know, I'm never early) just to make sure we could find a spot suitable for all of us. Both Sarah and Ben did a great job on their song. They went by grade so Ben went first and sang a song called "Teamwork" and then Sarah's grade sang "Wick" from The Secret Garden. I love listening to little kids sing. Sometimes it's good, other times it's well, awful. I love it no matter what.

Ben Walking On Stage To Sing

Sarah Singing With Her Grade

So, just how did I keep the little kids busy during the concert? Well here's how.

I gave the little girls the little camera and put them in charge of taking pictures while I video'd. That worked pretty well until Hannah wouldn't share.

I strapped Dan in the stroller and refused to let him out. Surprisingly he didn't fight me.

Even though I thought the kids behaved rather well, I was still ready to go after Sarah's grade. Sorry to the 4th and 5th graders. I'm sure your songs were lovely.

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