Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hollywood Connection

The biggest 4 riding the dragon roller coaster.
I'm stepping back in time a little.  I just got the pictures off our little camera and noticed there were pictures on their from our trip to Hollywood Connection back in May.  I thought I'd do a quick blog about it, even if it is a little out of order.  So, May brought the end of school and it also brought the end of school party.  The school that my kids home school with was doing a field trip to Hollywood Connections for their end of school bash.  It was free with free pizza so I figured, why not.  The kids had a lot of fun going on all the rides, playing in the arcade and eating pizza in the diner.  Some of the highlights were the balloon ride that goes up high and spins (if you want it too,) the dragon roller coaster was the biggest hit for the oldest 4 who were the only ones big enough to ride it, the bumper cars, and the Merry-Go-Round.  The kids really want to go back, but I think we'll have to see if the school does it next year. All in all, it was a great way to bring on summer.
Gracie and Dan on the balloons.
Adam loving going round and round on the balloon ride.
Hannah and Gracie ready to try the balloons without mom.
Adam and Dan riding the bus in the arcade.
Sarah and Ben on the Merry-Go-Round
The little boys loved the Merry-Go-Round.
Gracie loved the pig the most. Silly girl.
Hannah all proper on her horse.  She's getting so big.

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