Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Burn Clinic

We had to wait the entire weekend before we could get Adam into the burn clinic.  It was not at all fun for us or for poor little Adam, but I'm glad his burn wasn't bad enough that he had to be seen right away.  We did end up taking him to UofU hospital to get his bandages changed on Sunday.  The little stinker wouldn't keep his bandage on and we had run out of the wrapping stuff that the hospital gave us the night he got burned.  The bandage the hospital put on him lasted until we could get to the burn clinic first thing Monday morning.

After taking the skin off of some of Adam's burns.

Kenny took the morning off of work to be with us at the burn clinic.  It was a quick trip and we learned that, even though it looked really bad to us, his burn could have been a lot worse.  The doctors took the dead skin off from around the burns, bandaged him up with a much less bulky bandage and sent us on our way.  We didn't even have to return for a follow up.  Needless to say, we were feeling very blessed.  The doctors told us they'd never seen a kids step in a fire pit of hot coals and have such little damage.  It's been a few months and his foot is as good as new.  If you look close you can see the scars, but those should go away with time.  The scar on his arm is still there, but it too shouldn't last forever.  We were very blessed and are so grateful that someone was looking out for Adam that night.

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