Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ben's First Pinewood Derby

Ben with his car "Speed"
Apparently I should have paid attention when my brother was in scouts, because there is a lot to boy scouts. Ben entered the scouting program in February when he turned 8.  I had no idea what we were in for.  Scouts is a lot of work and we haven't done nearly what we should with it.  Case in point: The Pinewood Derby.  Kenny kept telling me I needed to get Ben a car for the derby, but I kept forgetting.  Finally 3 or 4 days before the Pinewood Derby finally got around to buying him a car.  I had no idea you had to carve a block of wood.  Good thing Kenny knew what he was doing.  He got the car designed with Ben's help and then carved it all in one day.  Ben helped me paint it the next day and finally an hour before the derby the car was ready.  Ben had a lot of fun, even though he didn't win any awards.  Next year I'll be better prepared.

The track for racing cars.

Speed coming in there at the end.

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