Monday, August 13, 2012

Eclipse of the Sun

Utah was lucky enough to have an eclipse come within our viewing range on the 19 of May.  We had toyed with the idea of driving down south to try and see the full eclipse of the sun, but decided it might be best, with so many little kids and a daddy who had to work the next day, to stay home and view it from our roof.  We made a big deal out of it by inviting Kenny's sisters over for a BBQ, making eclipse cookies for the kids and setting up the camera to take a picture of the event every 30 seconds or so.  It was a great afternoon/evening and even though the clouds started to appear just before the eclipse happened, we magically got a break in those clouds long enough and at just the right time to see the eclipse.  It was pretty neat.  Below is the slideshow Kenny made of the pictures we took.

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