Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Hunt

On March 8th, Kenny started taking some pictures of Adam on the floor and this is what he ended up with:
Our mighty hunter scans the horizon,
his eyes gleaming with deadly intent.

Salivating in anticipation,
he patiently stalks his quarry.

A single pounce
brings down his hapless prey.

But the inexperienced hunter
seems confused about what to do next.

He seems unfocused, perhaps
distracted by our camera crew.

A cry of rage and frustration rings out as
his quarry effects its escape.

The young hunter quickly composes himself and recaptures the wily game,
sinking his claws deep into its armored hide.

But to catch one thing,
to dispatch is another.

He must make the killing bite quickly
or face losing his catch.

At last he can relax and enjoy his
hard earned spoils.

Here's the video version for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

Aunt Diana said...

Two thumbs up! What a wonderful memory to share with his future girlfriend....LOL!