Monday, April 4, 2011

It's Party Time, Sarah Style

Sarah's Birthday Party Friends (and Hannah)

We had Sarah's birthday party/late night on Friday March 4th. She originally invited 6 girls, but only 3 came. One was out of town and the other two, I don't know what happened to them. I felt bad for her, but she didn't seem to mind. Her friend Teja came about an hour before the party started because her parents were going to the temple. It was so much fun having her over and she was a perfect distraction for Sarah and the little girls.

I like this shot. Teja's shooting the dart and you can see it coming out of the gun. Nice picture Kenny. :)

All the kids collecting the darts so they can have another go of it. The balloon popping dart game is always a hit at parties.

Decorating cupcakes!

Sarah singing 'Happy Birthday' to herself with everyone.

Blowing out 9 candles she crammed on her little cupcake. Too many more years and they won't fit on a cupcake.

The other girls arrived around 6:00 and we began the party with pizza. I let them make their own pizza and the pepperoni was gone within minutes. The girls followed the pizza up with a treasure hunt, games, decorating their own cupcakes, and opening presents. When all the party stuff was over we planned on letting them watch a movie, but the couldn't decide which movie to watch. Instead, they chose to play 'Start the Party,' a PlayStation game. The party ended successfully at 10:00. It's nice to have another party done.

Sarah and Whitney! She got lip gel and a huge sucker from Whitney.

Sarah and Teja! She got a Buzz Lightyear Barbie from Teja.

I just love Teja's face in this picture. She was so excited for Sarah to open her gift.

Sarah and Clarissa! We're so glad Clarissa came, she's one of my favorite friends of Sarah's and she looks just like her mom who's one of my favorite people. Sarah got a kite from Clarissa.

The girls playing 'Start the Party.'

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