Monday, April 4, 2011

The Sarah Cake

The blue and green butterfly cake! Gotta go with her favorite colors.

All Sarah wanted for her birthday was Backyard Safari stuff. It's a brand of outdoor explorer things that you can get at Walmart. She's such a lover of the outdoors and of nature that when she saw these things she fell in love. I knew she was getting a butterfly net and butterfly habitat from Grandma and Grandpa Gass and so I thought a butterfly cake would be the perfect cake. It wasn't until later that I discovered she had that cake last year and the year before. Ooops. I'm thinking next year I'll have to go with a different cake. :)

Blowing out the candles

The kids, like always, enjoyed eating the cake. Adam even got some frosting and he was a big fan. For some reason the kids were being extremely silly and we got a bunch of silly pictures to prove it. I absolutely LOVE being a mom to these kids and I love making such great memories with them. Enjoy the pictures of our memories. . .

Sarah enjoying some cake.

After watching the kids eat Ben's birthday cake, Dan has learned the proper Newbry way of eating cake.

Go Ben! Way to show Dan how it's done.

Hannah, like always, has the best frosting face.

Gracie's learning a few tricks from her big sister.


Adam's turn for frosting.

Hannah and Ben! She sure loves her big brother.

Goofy Sarah and Gracie

LOVE this picture of Dan

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