Thursday, April 14, 2011

Another Year Older

My birthday came and went and I'm another year older and hopefully wiser. Being the mother of 6 it's only fitting that my birthday was centered around the kids. We took the kids swimming in the morning. There's not much better than spending a few hours in the pool. Kenny did lessons with the 4 oldest and I just played around with those who weren't in lessons. It was a lot of fun and we tired the kids out, which was a nice bonus. After the swimming, we came home, made a quick lunch, and then EVERYONE napped. Now that's what a mom of 6 small kids really wants. After naps we dreamed of heading to Jackson to get out of IF, but we knew better than that and instead we decided to head to the park by the zoo to let the kids play.

We stopped at Walmart to get some Lunchables for a little picnic at the park and by the time we got out of the store the weather had turned windy and cold, not that it was real warm before. That kind of changed our plans so we went home, ate the Lunchables and then decided to take the very disappointed kids to Blast Off. Needless to say, the kids were no longer disappointed and had a blast playing on the indoor playground and jumping in the ball pits.

It may not be what most people think of when they think of a birthday for a 30 something year old, but for me it was perfect. It was so nice to have a nice, happy day with my kids and my husband. I'll take as many of those days as I can get.

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