Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Sarah

Sarah opening presents on her birthday

Sarah had a great 9th birthday. It started with a trip from Grandma and Grandpa Gass. They came up and took the 4 oldest kids to the movie 'Tangled.' We hadn't seen it yet, so it was a real treat for them. Kenny and I took the little boys to the store and bought Sarah's birthday presents. After the movie Grandma and Grandpa let Sarah choose where she wanted to go for dinner. Of course, she chose Chuck-a-Rama and it was delicious and very filling. After dinner we came home and opened presents and then Grandma and Grandpa had to leave. We were so glad to have them come and I know it made Sarah's birthday that much better.

Dan having fun spinning with Grandpa

Grandma and Dan having fun during the treasure hunt

Kenny created a treasure hunt for Sarah to find her presents. The kids have really been into treasure hunts and Kenny has created some great ones for them. Sarah was great to let the kids help her on the treasure hunt and everyone got a turn to find a clue. After the presents were found Sarah was able to open them and we discovered that we did a HORRIBLE job buying presents for her. She only liked two of them (her Tangled doll and her bug catcher.) We allowed her to take the other items (a walking sticks and binoculars) back to the store and get herself some gifts she wanted. We figured there's no sense making her keep what she'll never use.

Ben reading one of the clues of the treasure hunt

The presents are found

Looking at her loot

Don't let the face fool you. She wasn't happy to see the binoculars, but it was a nice courtesy smile. :)

Opening her 'Tangled' Barbie. One of the gifts we got right.

I guess we're officially entering the stage of parenting where gift giving is getting harder (not that it was ever easy for Sarah.) We took Sarah to Walmart that night and with Grandma and Grandpa Newbry's $10.00 birthday money and the money from her returned gift she got some Backyard Safari stuff (a magnifying glass, a badge vest, a compass, and a lantern) and a Barbie. She ended up happy with her birthday and her presents and I guess that's all that matters. I can't believe she's 9. Happy Birthday Sarah.

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