Sunday, March 27, 2011

Trying On Clothes

It's getting to the end of the winter season and with that comes worn out clothes. In late February we finally gave in to the need our children had for new long pants. Gracie had outgrown most of her pants and Sarah needed some that didn't have holes in the knees. With this giving in came a trip to one of our favorite stores to buy clothes, Target. My kids LOVE to try on new clothes and every time they do they feel they have to do a little dance. I don't know if it's because they feel so awesome in new clothes or if it's just simply because they love to dance. Whatever the reason is, the always do it and I think it's so cute. I happened to have the small camera in my purse for this trip so I took some video of them dancing.

Gracie's New Clothes Dance

Ben just had to get in on the action.

Hannah's included singing.

Also, Gracie was having a blast doing flips on the hanger things. It was probably not the smartest thing to let her do, but she didn't break them and she was every good at it.

At first she was hanging like this and she'd bring her legs up in the air. She was too fast for me and I didn't get a picture of it. Later she turned around and did this:

Here she is walking her legs up and. . .

They're up. How fun to be little again!

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