Sunday, March 20, 2011

6 Months Old

Adam turned 6 months old on February 19th. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. You would think that having 5 kids before him I'd be used to how fast they grow, but I'm not. It's so sad in a way, but I am very excited to see the little boy he's going to become. He's already such fun to have in our house. He LOVES to watch the other kids and is very fond of any attention he gets from anyone. He's not sitting up yet, he likes to arch his back and this prevents him from actually sitting. He's getting rather close to crawling. He get's up on all fours and rocks back and forth. He also likes to get on his hands and tippy toes. It's very entertaining to watch. He gets wherever he wants to go by rolling and rocking forward. He seems early to do these things, but my guess is he wants to be where everyone else is.

Adam getting ready to crawl

Adam is probably my happiest baby. He loves to giggle and is always smiling. He's very pleasant and I must say, he's a perfect baby #6. He got sick a few weeks ago and has yet to get back to sleeping through the night, but he only gets up once and it's only for about 10 minutes so I can handle that. We like to call him "Captain Fatso Kicky Pants" because he's such a big, fat baby and he loves to kick. The kids tell me that we don't call people fat, but I've assured them that it's a term of endearment and it's OK when they're babies. :)

Adam's half birthday got kind of swallowed up by Ben's birthday. We normally have a half birthday party, but we were really busy and didn't have one for Adam. That's something we still need to have. I'm looking forward to the day when Adam and Dan are running around the house like crazy little boys. I try to keep that in mind when I think of how fast he's growing up.

1 comment:

Camille said...

Wow, Katie! I can't believe Adam is that old already! I guess I need to come visit more often, eh? :)