Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Party Time

Ben and his friends getting ready to open presents.
Sierra, Ben, Gavin, Garrin and Ryker

There was no school on Ben's birthday and we thought that'd be a great time for a party. I probably should have looked at the calendar a little closer when I planned the party because it was also President's Day weekend. This meant that his school had a 4 day weekend and so a lot of people were going out of town. We let Ben invite 4 friends to his party and when two couldn't come we let him invite two more. He ended up having 5 friends come which was way better than we thought it'd be.

It was a great crazy few hours of the day, but that's what makes little boy's birthdays fun. The kids arrived and the first thing we did was take them sledding. Well, Kenny took them sledding and I stayed home with the other kids and finished setting up for the party. Kenny said they seemed to have a lot of fun no one got hurt so that's good. When they got home I let them make their own little pizza's and then it was time to open presents. This is always one of the favorite parts of a party and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. After the presents we had a treasure hunt for the kids to find their goodie bags (this was a huge hit and it was really fun to watch the kids) and then we played a few games.

The girls waiting to make their pizza's. When we told Ben he could invite 2 more friends we were surprised to learn he'd invited 2 girls. I guess it payed to be sitting at his table at school. Only one, Sierra, could come and she fit in very well with all those boys.

Gracie and Hannah enjoyed sitting at their own table.

Pizza's are so much better when you make them yourself.

Shooting balloons with 'Nerf' guns is always a favorite at the parties.

The end of the party was another fun part, the cake. I didn't get his cake done so we had cupcakes instead. There were kids at this party that came last year and they were very disappointed that we were not going to be having a cake. When I informed them they could still put their face in a cupcake, they were very pleased. As long and you can shove your face in it, it's good. The party seemed long (it was only 2 hours) but real quick and crazy at the same time. I glad be let him have a party and I think he really enjoyed it.

Ben's very uncreative cupcakes. It says "Happy Birthday Ben" on it and surprisingly enough, he really liked it.

Hannah got the 'H' cupcake and she couldn't have been happier. You see, H is the letter that starts her name, therefore, it's the best letter in the world.

Ben and friends showing off their cake faces.

More cake faces.

After everyone had left we still had the twins here. We really enjoy Gavin and Ryker and over the years have learn to expect Sara, their mom, to be late (I'm sure people say that about me too.) The kids kept busy playing chess while I cleaned up from the party.

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