Saturday, March 19, 2011

Marbles and Grandparents

Ben with his gift from Grandma and Grandpa Gass

My parents came up on Saturday the 19th to see the birthday boy. It's always fun when Grandma and Grandpa come, but birthdays are the best. They brought him a great marble set that has seen lots of use in the month that we've had it. Ben loves to build things and this is another thing for him to build. We enjoyed visiting with them and then they took us to McDonald's for lunch. Marbles, Grandparents, and McDonald's! Can life get any better?

Making a marble track with Grandpa

Hannah and Grandpa had fun playing pretend baseball with Ben's new bat and mitt. Hannah was an amazing hitter.

Who knew Cinderella could play baseball!?!

Ben and Sarah moved the marble set to the table. The carpet was much to unstable for them and their huge towers kept crashing down. It worked well until. . .

Dan came to join them. He's such a good helper.

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