Saturday, March 19, 2011

Birthday Presents

Ben being a goofball while showing off one of his presents.

A few hours after Ben's friends left we decided to let him open his presents. He wanted us to hide them and play the hot and cold game to find them. I love that my kids enjoy doing fun creative things with their gifts. When he'd find one gift, he'd stop and open it before moving on to the other gift. He got some fun things and seemed to be pleased with his stuff. We got him a few Lego sets (a helicopter and plane) a cup with a note in it saying we'd take him to the store and let him choose some baseball stuff, and a walking/sword fighting stick.

Opening one of his Lego sets.

Showing off his walking stick.

The family enjoying the walking stick.

After the presents we took him to Walmart to choose his baseball stuff. He did not want it at all. For some reason he thought we were going to make him spend his $10 from Grandma and Grandpa Newbry on the baseball stuff. It took us awhile to figure out what the problem was, but after we explained to him that the baseball stuff is a gift from us and he still gets to spend his money from Grandma and Grandpa, he was much happier. He got a Lego set from Grandma and Grandpa's money, a bat, ball, mitt, and t-ball stand from us. I'm excited for warmer weather so we can use his new stuff.

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