Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Eating Rice

His bib is on and he's ready for cereal.

Adam's growing up and I've decided that at almost 6 months old, it's time I start him on solid foods. This is something I'm not really looking forward to. I've found, for me anyway, it's one of those things that the further down the kid line, the less excited I am about it. Sarah Kate started solids at 4 months old (back then the doctors recommended 4 months, now they recommend waiting until 6 months) and Ben started that early as well. The rest of the kids have been starting later and later. I just don't have time. It takes so much time to spoon feed a baby and I've found I really don't have the time. Imagine that! Anyway, I decided he should probably start the solids, so on Feb. 10 we began the rice cereal. He actually did really well, loved it and gobbled it down. I'll admit, he's my best first time solid food eater. Overall, he's been a great number 6 baby. Heavenly Father must have known I needed a happy, easy baby as my number 6. :)


He liked it. (Can you tell?)

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