Sunday, February 10, 2013

Christmas Snow

We were so hoping for a white Christmas, but after our snowfall in November we had only gotten rain.  When we woke up on Christmas Eve morning I recognized the familiar sound outside.  It was the sound of rain.  What a bummer.  To make matters worse Dan was convinced that Santa would only come if there was snow outside and that we couldn't possibly have Christmas with out snow. Thankfully luck was on our side and around noon the rain turned over to snow and we got a few inches in a short amount of time.  It was to be a white Christmas after all and my 3 year old wouldn't have to miss Santa.

We decided to take advantage of the newly fallen snow, the Christmas holiday, and the time off it allows.  Kenny and I dressed the kid in snow clothes and headed outside to build a snowman.  The kids all helped, some lasted longer than others, and they played around a little as well.  We even had the neighbor boys come over and help us for a short time.  All in all, I think we made a great skiing snowman.  The kids enjoyed it anyway.  And after it was all done, we went inside for hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Hannah was an awesome helper when it came to making the big snowballs.

Dan wanted his picture in front of the big snowballs.

Gracie ate more snow than she did helping with the snowman.  I guess that's what you do when you're 5.
Some of the kids helping daddy up the snowman together.
She is getting far too big and beautiful.
Some of the kids with our skiing snowman.  The little girls had already gotten cold and gone in.
Proof we have boys in our house.  Ben's perfect snow angel met a timely death by icicle.

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