Sunday, February 10, 2013

Christmas Morning

The kids on Christmas morning waiting to go downstairs.  It's so hard to wait to see your presents.
Christmas morning is much better talked about in pictures, well that and it was a month and a half ago and I don't really have much to say.  We had a great Christmas.  The kids loved their presents.  I loved watching the kids love their presents.  We had an entire day of staying in our jammies, playing with toys and family, eating junk, and just enjoying our growing family.  Here are some pictures from our morning:

Adam liked his train the best and it was the very first thing he went to.

Dan liked all his toys, but he wanted to see what was in his stocking most of all. I guess he really liked setting it out for Santa the night before.

Gracie seems thrilled with her new Barbie house.

Hannah was so excited even before she saw what she got.  I love this age and this girl.
Ben liked his gun.  Looks like we're in trouble.
Sarah got a butterfly for Christmas.  It's pretty impressive and she seemed to like it.

Dan and his pirate ship.
Adam taking Dan's pirate ship for a ride.  That wagon has gotten a lot of use.

Take cover or Ben'll get ya.

This is what Christmas morning is all about.  These faces bring so much happiness to me.
Gracie and Adam playing with the train set.  I love how my kids play so nicely together.
Hannah did an excellent job building her airplane out of Lego's.  I'm so glad they have Lego's for girls.
What a good big brother Dan is, giving Adam a ride.

The girls each got a Fijit.  They're pretty cool and Sarah really enjoyed hers.

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