Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My 2-Wheel Bike Riding Kids

Some of you know we've been trying all summer to teach Sarah to ride her bike without training wheels. I'll be the first to admit I wasn't very consistent with her practice, and I all but gave up, until last week. I thought I'd give it one more valiant effort before fall really set in and it started getting and staying cold. Kenny had to work late, so after dinner on Wednesday I took the kids out to practice. A little info on Sarah, she's a huge chicken, but she's also very competitive. She really wanted to ride with 2 wheels because all her friends were, but she was so scared and this held her back. We practiced for about 45 minutes and she was doing better than she had all summer. By the time Kenny got home around 7:15 she was rotating her feet 4 or 5 times. It was close to bedtime and time to go in, but Kenny wanted to practice with her for a few more minutes. I took the other kids in and he stayed out with Sarah. Ben got dressed really quickly and then went outside. I heard Sarah Kate yelling at BenBen, "Tell mom I can do it." I thought, 'yeah, I know you can do it a little'. I came outside and was shocked at what I saw: (sorry about all the yelling, I was very excited for her.)

Kenny had taken her in the road so she had more room to correct her steering and it worked like a charm. She's been riding without training wheels ever since and has enjoyed going in the grass and dirt. I think we'll have to get her a bigger bike next year.

Ben was happy for Sarah Kate, but he also wanted to ride without training wheels. I told him I'd practice with him the next day, but I didn't think he'd be able to do it this year. I should've known better. Within 30 minutes Ben was riding with 2 wheels.

He's not as good as Sarah Kate, but he is 2 years younger and I'm just astonished he was able to do it. His little legs aren't long enough to reach the ground when he's sitting on the seat so he has a hard time not falling over when he stops. I think this is the main thing that scares him and makes riding with 2 wheels so difficult for him. He does well, but we've decided a helmet, some knee and elbow pads, and some gloves might not be the worst idea for Ben.

I'm so proud of both my kids and I'm so excited for next summer when we can, hopefully, be a bike riding family.


edsajadaha05 said...

Oh my!!! I am so amazed by your kids! I always thought that riding a two-wheeler is such a big step. Congratualations to Ben and Sarah!!!

Sarah Jean said...

Holy Smokes! That is so cool! Sarah Kate was so cute, I bet she is loving being able to go out and ride with her friends. I can't believe Ben is already on a two-wheeler! What a great job! Want to teach my son?!!

Chelle Sorenson said...

Wow, I need ya'll to come teach my kids. Your neighborhood looks soo cool. All nice and flat.

Todd and Julie Worthen said...

Yeah! Two kids at the same time! That's awesome! I bet Sarah is loving her new independence.