Friday, October 31, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

The kids in costume on Halloween night with their pumpkins

We got our pumpkin carving done just in time this year, barely. It seemed we never could find time between our outings, my sewing and applesauce making, and Sarah's PTC, but we got them done Halloween morning, just in time. The kids had a lot of fun and they all (except Gracie who's too little) dug out their own pumpkin and drew their own faces. It was great and we had a blast.

Sarah pulling off her top, what a face.

Ben pulling off his top (he had to us some muscle.)

Hannah taking her top off while eating a sucker.

Gracie taking a turn trying to get her top off. Look at how hard she's trying.

Gutting the pumpkins!

Drawing their pumpkin's faces!
Gracie had a lot of fun eating the seeds and watching the kids until she fell out of her highchair. That was kind of a bummer, but she was OK which was good.
The finished product!
Hannah's was carved first,

Then Ben's (his is a pumpkin dressed up as a vampire,)

Then Sarah's!

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