Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dan the Man's First Year

I can't believe my little man is 1. This year seemed to have gone by so fast. Honestly, it's been hard being pregnant through most of Dan's first year of life. I feel like I've missed out on a lot, but as Kenny said, he's too small to know so it's OK. Dan is a wonderful little boy and it's been fun watching him become a little person. Because of all his dark hair, he has always looked older than he is, but now he's quickly leaving the baby stage and entering the toddler stage. He's starting to look more his age. As I said, Dan is a wonderful kid and I just love who he's becoming. He's always been our most serious one who doesn't smile as a rule. He's a very happy kid, but he saves smiles for when someone is entertaining him or he has a reason to smile. Lately this has been more and more often. The older he gets the more 'boy' he becomes. He loves to be thrown on the couch or up in the air. Sarah Kate's favorite game to play with him is to run at him yelling. When she gets close he dives into me for safety, laughing the entire time. He's very playful and I've really enjoyed watching him play with his siblings. He loves to chase after them and have them chase him. That's one of the best things about being a parent, watching your kids play together.

My purple little dude just after he was born. Man was his birth scary.

Mommy and Dan just after delivery.

Ready to leave the hospital with his blue monkey.

Dan's physical skills have always seemed a little slow, but he is doing much better and is getting closer to what the others were doing at his age. He's still not walking yet (as of 13 1/2 months) but as I remember, none of our kids were walking by now. He's standing a little on his own, only when we make him, and walks around the furniture like a pro. He'll get there, hopefully he'll bet Sarah Kate's 18 months. He loves to clap, make noises with his mouth, he recently learned to give high 5's and loves this new skill. His favorite place to play is in the kitchen drawer with bowls and cups in it. He throws them on the floor and knows which ones make the most noise. Those are his favorites. He's a great crawler and has gotten very fast the past few months.

One week old. Nice face dude.

Annual pictures. Almost 2 weeks old.

At the zoo in Salt Lake. 2 months old.

As far as brains go he seems to be pretty smart. I know, all parents think this of their kids, but he does things non of the others did. There's no being sneaky with Daniel. When you hide a toy, or say the remote control, most babies of Dan's age think it's gone. This is typical, it's something they taught me in college. However, Dan has never been fooled by the hide the toy game. Even if he doesn't see where you put it, he'll look for it and almost always find it. Pretty smart for a one year old and pretty inconvenient for his parents. He's always been very good at finding us as well. From the moment he could crawl he could find us even if he had no sign of where we were. I guess this means he'll be one of the few males in the world with good directions.

Mister drooler.
October '09 4 months old

6 month birthday, sitting up like a big boy.

That's my little dude in a nutshell. I know there's things I've left out, but for now that'll have to do. Oh funny thing about little dude. I'm not completely sure Daniel knows his name is Dan. Ben is our Buddy and Dan is our Dude. These are the nicknames they have and Ben knows not to answer to Dude (unless mom's having one of her forgetful moments.) Dan on the other hand, doesn't respond to his name. If you call out dude (or dude-a-ling or dude-sicle, I know we're weird) he turns and looks every time. I guess we'll have to work on the name thing.

His 6 month picture (taken a little late. 10 months old)

Our happy 1 year old.

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