Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ben Turns 6

Ben's birthday was February 18th and to be honest I can't believe he's 6. He's getting so big and everyday I'm amazed at what he is becoming and has become. He had a wonderful birthday even though things didn't go the way I would have liked. Oh well! I'm learning that my kids can deal with traditions being broken better than I can.

I had a VERY hard time with Ben's birthday cake this year. I did everything the directions said, very carefully, but the dumb cake just wouldn't come out of the pan. I tried a total of 4 times (yes that may be extreme, but by that point I just had to prove I could do it) and finally gave up around 4:00. Of course being stupid and emotional, I cried and cried and Kenny told me it was OK and we would get Ben a cake at the store for his party which was the next day.

Because of the cake I was SO behind on getting ready for Ben's party. Luckily his friend and neighbor Cy was having a birthday party that day so I sent Ben to the party (from 3:00 to 4:30) and told him his family party would be ready for him when he got home. With Kenny's help we decorated the house, wrapped presents and had the party ready when he walked in the door. I remaining 6 of us blew noise makers as he walked in and yelled Happy Birthday. It worked well and he seemed to enjoy it.

Ben standing with his presents, not wanting to take the time to smile for the camera before he can open them.

Opening his Erector Set. Ben LOVES to put things together.

Of course the first thing he wanted to do was open presents so that's exactly what we did. He had a lot of fun opening his gifts and he seemed pleased with what he got. He didn't get much this year, but thanks to some Christmas sales he managed to get some good things that he liked. His favorite gift would probably by his Nerf ax that is surprisingly softer than their swords.

I love this picture. Ben's opening his present from Grandma and Grandpa Newbry and apparently Gracie thinks it's amazing.

After opening all his gifts Ben found his ax behind the TV. He was SO excited.

Daniel's a little young, but I'm sure when he gets older he'll think the ax is cool too.

After presents we didn't have anything to do. There was no cake (Grrr) and the normal tradition of taking the kids out to eat at a restaurant of the their choice was just not an option this year. Instead we had a normal dinner (I don't even remember what it was) and then the kids played with the new toys for a while before heading off to bed. I was sad and disappointed, but Ben didn't seem to be. He knew he had a party with his friends the next day and that made him happy.

Daddy helping Ben build a car with his Erector Set. Look at that tongue, what concentration.

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