Friday, September 5, 2014

Off Roading "Fun"

Kenny has really, really liked our new Expedition. He especially likes to take it on dirt roads. I'm okay on dirt roads as long as their not too steep or on cliffs or things like that. Well Kenny likes them the way I don't. So in April he decided he was going to take the family up on the mountain above our house. We drove and drove trying to get to the top but the road soon disappeared and we had to turn around. In doing so, he claims it was my fault for being nervous and him stopping before he would have, but, the truck got stuck with one wheel not on the ground. We had to dig it out and push it back and forth, but eventually over time we got it unstuck. I'll admit I was really nervous and did not have tons of fun but I learned to trust him on this adventure and the next time we went I just closed my eyes a little more and took deep breathes.  :)

Ummmm I think all 4 wheels are suppose to be on the ground.

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