Friday, September 5, 2014

Easter Egg Time

Dying Easter Eggs
Let it be known that a miracle happened in the Newbry household this Easter. We actually dyed our Easter eggs before Easter. I know, totally unheard of, but we did. Easter was on April 20th this year and we got our eggs dyed on the 17th. I can't tell you how excited the kids were and how proud of me I was. Go us. Now enjoy the pictures.

Gracie dying eggs.
One egg done and one to go.
Pink was Hannah's choice of color.
Sarah takes he egg dying very serious.
Say cheese Adam.
Ben showing off some of his eggs.
Dan made almost all of his eggs green.
Ummm, nice eggs Ben.  :)
Gracie showing off her eggs. 
Such a cutie.
Sarah's egg half done.

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