Friday, September 5, 2014

Much Needed Bunny Cage

Our new bunny cage. One bunny and 2 little boys.
For most of April Kenny worked on a bunny cage to house our ever growing population of bunnies. The thing with bunnies is if you don't separate them after they give birth they'll get pregnant pretty much right after giving birth. Well, that's what happened to Velvet and the beginning of May we found ourselves with 3 more baby bunnies. Because the oldest weren't ready to leave their mom yet we had to have a home big enough for the 7 of them. Not to mention that we not needed to have 2 separate bunny homes because 2 litters of baby bunnies is enough for us right now.  :) So, Kenny worked and worked on building a multi-level bunny cage and finished it just after the second set of bunnies were born. He did such a good job that we decided to move the bunnies back upstairs so they can have more interaction with the family. It's easier to clean and it holds way more food, which is very nice. Overall he did a great job. Not surprising, I know.

Velvet with her older bunnies.
The new babies. 2 whites and one brown, just like the others.
Velvet, our favorite of the baby bunnies.
A side view of the cage with the containers for food.
Velvet and her look alike baby, Velvet.

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