Friday, September 5, 2014

Day Before Easter Fun

The second cousins.

The day before Easter was a very fun filled day. We started the day off with a neighborhood spring party complete with cotton candy, bounce houses, an Easter egg hunt, and lots of fun with friends. When that was over we headed to my cousins Kelli's new house for a fun Easter party. My Aunt Paula was in town from California and my parents came down from Logan. We had my Aunt Val come, my cousins Becky and Sara, my brother even came, and my cousin Jenny form Las Vegas was in town. Kelli and Aunt Paula went all out on planning and had lots of fun for the kids. We had a great lunch and everyone got an Easter basket and the kids all went on a huge Easter egg hunt. My kids were in heaven and I really enjoyed seeing and visiting with family that I rarely see.

Cotton candy is always a hit.
I sure do love this messy face.

Aunt Paula explaining the Easter egg hunt rules.
Some of the bigger kids finding eggs.
Adam finding an Easter egg.
Sarah finding eggs.
Dan finding an Easter egg.

Looking at their treasures.

Hannah showing my cousin Becky the dollar she found in her egg.

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