Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bye Bye Tonsils

We've know for awhile that there was a good possibility that Dan would need his tonsils out.  The signs were everywhere.  Every time we go to the doctor they told me how large his tonsils are.  He snored really bad and his speech is slow like Hannah's was.  I finally took him to an ENT and it was quickly determined that he needed his tonsils out.  I learned that along with his snoring, he was probably suffered from sleep apnea which is why he wouldn't sleep by through the night very .  often.

I took him up to Primary Children's Hospital on April 13th for his surgery.  He had no idea what was coming and he was just happy to be out with mommy.  Grandma and Grandpa Gass came down to stay with the other kids while I was with Daniel.  Kenny was in Minneapolis for work and had to miss the surgery.  He was so sad to miss it, but he was home before we got home.  

Dan in his hospital clothes ready to get his tonsils out.
After they gave his drugs.  He's loopy and ready to head back for surgery.
After Dan got registered they gave him some medicine and he got a little loopy.  I think little kids are so funny when they're loopy.  They took Dan back and he did an amazing job.  When he came to again he was crying and confused, but he did such a good job.  They took us to a room where he had flavored ice and watched movies on TV. After a few hours Dan was hungry and ready for food.  He ate a full meal without any problems and they decided we could go home.  I was so proud of him and the way he managed the pain and the entire experience.
Dan after he woke up from getting his tonsils out.

Dan watching TV and drinking from his sippy cup.
The next few days were a little rough.  He was sore but overall handled it well.  The worst part was probably the medicine.  Dan hated taking his medicine and having tasted it a little, I don't blame him.  He did a good job of it and after a few days he had it down.  After a few weeks he was sleeping through the night without snoring or waking up.  He's been happier, the extra sleep probably helped that.  

Dan taking his medicine.
Look mom I did it.

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