Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dan's 4 Months Old

What a cutie! OK I'll admit he looks kind of dorky, but a very cute dorky. (I love the teething drool.)
Dan turned 4 months old on the 23rd and he's sure growing up quickly. We've loved having him in our home and it's been fun watching the kids really enjoy their baby brother. Sarah Kate is big enough that she can hold him by herself and she loves to get him out of his crib when he wakes up. Ben just loves having a brother around. He's good to talk to Dan and to hold him occasionally. Hannah enjoys singing to Dan and Dan loves to watch her sing to him. Whenever he's crying and Hannah sings to him he automatically stops crying and listens to her until she stops (then he cries again.) Dan sure loves his siblings and they love him. Gracie's all about the kisses. She loves to give Dan kisses and hugs whenever possible. It's very cute.

His deer in the headlights look.
A sideways look.
As far as Dan goes, he's very cute. He's been a little slower in some area's than my other kids, but he's still doing well and he seems to be growing up too fast. He finally rolled over from his belly to his back on his 4 month birthday (one area he's been slower than my other kids.) He's been smiling for quite a while and he is ticklish in his armpits. I enjoy tickling him and listening to his little baby laugh. He's even started liking Kenny more which has been good for Daddy. Though Daddy is still up in the air some days as far as liking goes, football is not. Dan is so funny because one thing he really likes is to watch football. For some reason it's another thing that calms him down. He'll sit and watch football for close to an hour and not fuss. It doesn't work like that with other shows, just football. I guess it's good we're in football season. We finally got our football lover.
Dan's just figuring out his bouncer and so far he likes it.

Dan's tall and skinny, so unlike his older brother at this age. At his 4 month check up on the 29th he was 25 3/4 inches (75%) and 13.5 pounds (about 23%) He may be skinny, but he's getting a little chunk in his chin and I think his skinny frame is pretty cute. One thing that hasn't changed much is his hair. Surprisingly he still has a full head of black hair. I thought for sure he would have lost some by now, but with the exception of a little bald spot on the back, he hasn't lost any. He still looks like a little man thanks to all that dark hair and I wouldn't change it for anything. I can't believe he's already 4 months old. It seems once they finally come out into the world the time goes by so quickly. Lucky for me he's a good sleeper, sleeping through the night and often during the day. A true blessing from baby number 5. We're so blessed to have him in our family and I can't wait to see what else he becomes as he gets older.

Dan's getting too big for baths in the sink so I've been bathing him with the little girls on occasion. They love it as you can tell.

Dan loves bath time. I mean really, who doesn't.


Carolyn said...

I think it's so funny that he likes football! And you're right, he really hasn't lost any hair. He has AMAZING hair and he always has! He is very cute.

rdhcph1 said...

I can't believe how much Dan has grown! He reminds me very much of the first time I saw Ben, only with dark hair. It will be fun to have a big boy and a little boy that look so much alike. Aunt cindy