Saturday, October 31, 2009

Spooky Spooktacular

Trixie the Halloween Fairy and Pirate Ben leaving for the bus the day of Spooktacular

Every year Rimrock Elementary hosts a Spooktacular for the kids. This year it happened to be on Thursday the 29th (they didn't have school on the 30th because it was the end of the term.) The kids look forward to this every year. They get to wear they're costumes to school that day and do Halloween like things all day. At noon there's a parade through the halls so everyone can show off they're costumes and then the Spooktacular begins at 12:30. They go around playing games and buying candy, all proceeds going to the teachers and their classrooms.

This year I made costumes for the 4 oldest kids. Well I should say we made costumes for the 4 oldest kids. Kenny helped immensely, especially with Hannah's costume. I should have started a little earlier than I did because I was up until around 2:30 the morning of the Spooktacular finishing Ben's costume. Luckily I got it done in time and Ben and Sarah looked great as they headed off to school that morning.

Sarah Kate walking in the parade

I took the kids to the doctors for Gracie's 2 year check up and Daniel's 4 month checkup (they're both doing great) and then waited for Ben to get home from school. When he got off the bus we had about 15 minutes before we had to leave for the parade at the school. Kenny made Ben a pirate hat (something I'd forgotten to do) while I fed him a corn dog and got the girls and the baby dressed. We barely made it to the school in time for Ben to walk in the parade (I actually didn't get to see him because I was parking the car, but that's OK he still got to walk and that's all that mattered.)I love this cute upside down picture of Gracie

Playing games during the Spooktacular Ben wasn't too into taking pictures, he really wanted to play games and win prizes, so this is the only picture I got of him.

Monkey Man Dan

After the parade we wandered through the crowded halls finding games to play and activities to do. Sarah Kate decided she was old enough to go on her own, and we agreed so she left with a friend and we didn't see her very much. We enjoyed our time with the youngest 4 and they really enjoyed their time.

Witch Hannah
I wish I could take credit for this awesome costume, but the dress was all Kenny. My husbands the coolest!
Witch Hannah and Indian Gracie running in the gym while Ben waited in line to play a game.

Gracie watching electricity (the room was actually dark so it was much cooler)

Around 2:00 Kenny took the 3 youngest home for a nap and I stayed and helped with the game in Sarah's class. I got to hand out the candy and vampire teeth when kids won. Ben stayed with me and helped pick up the hula hoops after kids tried to throw them around pumpkins. It was a lot of fun to help out in the classroom. After school got out I decided to ride the bus home with the kids. Kenny had the girls and baby in bed and I didn't want to make him come get me. The bus driver was very nice to let me ride home and the kids thought it was WAY cool. I haven't been on a bus in about 15 years, not much has changed. I sat with Ben and while we were driving he kept asking to make sure I wasn't scared. What a nice boy.


Carolyn said...

I love all the costumes! You (and Kenny) did a great job putting them all together. Your kids are adorable!

I'm glad Dan and Gracie are both doing great and their checkup went well!

Jamie and JD said...

I'm impressed. I can't make anything. Way to be creative! And I can't believe how big Dan is getting! He's such a cute little monkey!!