Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hannah's 3rd Birthday

Hannah turned 3 on the 16th of March. She was very excited for her birthday and, I think because of the other recent birthday's, she knew pretty much just what to expect. The morning went pretty much routine. We didn't do anything special except for talk about her birthday and how she was turning 3 instead of 2. She seemed to like this and has enjoyed holding up 3 fingers when we ask how old she is.

Opening presents.

The siblings sitting on the picnic table waiting for Hannah to open more presents.
I put the little kids down for a nap around 1:00 and finished Hannah's cake while Kenny wrapped her presents and decorated the house. Next we waited for her to wake up. Sarah Kate came home from school and Hannah still didn't wake up. We waited and waited, of all the day's to take a long nap, and finally Kenny opened the door to check on her and Gracie. It woke Gracie up and that woke Hannah up. She wasn't in the best mood because Daddy was taking Gracie out of the room which meant Hannah was left alone. Also her arm had fallen asleep while she slept and that didn't make her happy either. When she came into the hall and saw the decorations she cheered up a little and when the arm finally stopped tingling she really cheered up. She played with the balloons and the streamers and then we asked if she wanted to see her presents. She was very excited and she waited patiently for Daddy to bring them out into the living room.
Opening her baby doll bed.
Her facial expression was the same for every present she opened! Priceless!
Hannah had a pretty good birthday. She got a dress-up dress complete with wings, a picnic table, a My First Leap Pad, an outfit for her snap dolls, and a bed for her dolls. She's at the perfect age where everything is amazing and where they have the cutest expression for everything. I love this age. Hannah opened her dress first and immediately had to change into it. Then she opened all of her presents, including books from Grandma and Grandpa Newbry, (she got a Cinderella doll from Grandma and Grandpa Gass a few days before). When everything was opened and Daddy was putting together the doll bed she danced and sang on her little table.
Reading books from Grandma and Grandpa

Dancing and singing on her pinic table in her new dress-up dress.
We were debating on whether or not to get her the table, but it has proved to be a good choice. The weather has been warmer, but not quite warm enough to picnic outside so the table has been in the dinning room. She has eaten every meal at her little table since her birthday. I guess that proves she likes it. She has also slept every night with her doll next to her in it's very own bed. All in all I think she liked her presents. What a relief.
Playing with her new dolly bed.
Putting a baby to bed.
Sarah Kate made a Happy Birthday sign for Hannah.

1 comment:

Dan and Sharon said...

I sure hope you are labeling your pictures, your girls look so much a like that I think it is one but it is another. Cloning is no permitted for humans, Katie.

Happy Birthday Hannah, way to go, you are 3.

Hope your day was happy- the pomeroy's