Monday, March 23, 2009

Hannah Elizabeth Newbry

Hannah is now three and I can't believe it. In some ways she seems old for her age, in other ways (like her speech) she seems young. Mostly she just seems like Hannah. Hannah was born in West Valley, Utah on March 16, 2006. She was born at 12:57 and weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces. She has always been our small child being in the 50-60% instead of the 90%, but she is slowly catching up and is now in the 70-80% for height. When Hannah was a baby we called her our little orangutan. She had a dark complexion, big eyes, and the cutest little go everywhere dark hair that made her look just like an orangutan. She has outgrown the orangutan look and has turned out looking a lot like her big sister Sarah.

At birth

6 Weeks Old

Her Birth Announcement Picture

July 2006
4 Months Old

Hannah has always been in catch up mode. She wants so bad to do the big things her siblings do. She started crawling at 5 months old and did an army crawl for the longest time. She really just wanted to be able to move, she didn't care how. She didn't walk early, but she could get wherever she wanted by crawling and she was an excellent climber at an early age. She has always tagged along with her siblings and done a good job at it. Ben and Sarah have done a good job including her and it has been so much fun watching them all play.

8 Months Old

9 Months Old

Hannah's speech has not come as easily. We recently learned that Hannah had excessive fluid in her ear that made it hard for her to hear and she also had enlarged tonsils that made it almost impossible for her to make certain sounds. After having tubes put in her ears and having her tonsils out in January, we have seen some improvement in her speech. She still has a long ways to go, but we are confident she will catch up and be talking our ear off (and we'll understand it all) in no time.

Hannah's 1st Birthday

July 2007
Almost 1 1/2
Hannah is our little princess. She LOVES dress-up clothes and will change her dress a few times each day. There are many days I don't even dress her in the morning because I know it will only be a few minutes before she has change into one of her dress-up dresses. She loves to sing and dance around in her dresses and somewhere along the way she's gotten some rhythm.
May 2007
Her official 1 year old picture

October 2007
The day we brought Gracie home from the hospital. 1 1/2 years old.
Along with being a princess Hannah is also a little Mommy. She loves dolls and is often caring one around. There are many times I'll walk into the living room and find a doll laying down on Hannah's blanket and pillow sleeping. Hannah tells me the babies sleeping and I need to be quite. She's a good little Mommy, but hasn't learn the art of clothing on dolls. She prefers all her dolls to have no clothes on. I'm sure this will change with time, but for now I think it's kind of cute.

May 2008
Hannah's official 2 year old picture

September 2008
Hannah's first haircut. 2 1/2 years old.

While Hannah is very girly in some aspects of her life she definitely has a tomboy side to her. She's a ruff and tumble kind of kid who loves to wrestle Ben and Daddy. She loves to be thrown through the air and to run screaming through the house. She also loves to be outside riding her bike or playing with chalk. Her favorite outside activity is bubbles (very typical of a 3 year old) and she loves to blow them and chase them. I like to think of her as a well rounded mix. She loves most things girlish and boyish.

Playing dress up on her 3rd birthday.

We are very fortunate to have Hannah in our life. She brings such a joy to our family and I can't image life without her. She is the most loving of the kids, she's always there to give you a hug if your sad or hurt, and she worries the most if someones not with us. She's a very caring little kid who is also a ball of energy. I love my Hannah Banana.

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