Saturday, November 2, 2013

Take A Hike Tuesday

Rick's Creek Waterfall
Kenny started work at his new job the end of July. I took the last week of July and did some fun things with the kids. We started out with the library on Monday (work on your mind Monday).  Tuesday was Take a Hike Tuesday and so we ventured out to Rick's Creek Waterfall in Centerville. It took us awhile to find it and if it hadn't been for some other hiker who were headed there I don't think we would have found it, but luckily they showed us the way and we hiked the short quarter mile or so to the waterfall. Once there I let the kids play around because, well, that's the best thing about a waterfall. It was a nice little excursion for the kids and we're hoping to take daddy there sometime.

Ben holding up the waterfall.
Sarah's turn to hold up the waterfall.
Dan didn't want to get in, but he had fun playing on the side of the water.
Adam and Sarah playing in the water.
Silly Gracie
Adam had a blast at the waterfall.
Ready to hike back to the car.

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