Saturday, November 30, 2013

Playing at the WitchFest

I thought I'd take a cute picture of the kids at the
WitchFest. I quickly remembered my kids don't really like to take 'good pictures."
I took the kids to the WitchFest at Gardner Village in late October. I have heard about if for years and decided this was a good year to go check it out. They had a treasure hunt where they gave you a clue and you had to find the witch that matched it. The kids had a lot of fun finding the witches and seeing all the other fun things around. I asked the kids which witch was their favorite and they all said it was the outhouse one. HaHa. I'm sure many kids thought that was the best one. After we found all the witches the kids got to turn their papers in and get a cookie. It was a fun outing and I think, maybe we'll do it again next year.

Sarah desperately wanted a picture in front of the witch outhouse. She's so goofy.
Gracie pretending the witch outhouse was stinky.
Hannah had to pretend the outhouse was stinky too.
We had to have a picture by the giant pumpkin.
Eating the cookies they earned for finding all the witches
on the treasure hunt (and some cotton candy that mom bought.)

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