Thursday, November 14, 2013

First Real Day of Kindergarten

Gracie is ready for her first official day of school.
Our school in Utah does kindergarten testing after the first day of school. This means the kids are able to come to school that first day, but only to meet their teacher. They then have to wait 3 days, during which time the kids all go in one by one and get tested by their teacher. Those 3 days are so hard. Hannah had to do it and now it was Gracie's turn and she so badly wanted to go to school with the other kids. Every morning she'd wake and and we'd have to count down the days until she got to go back to school. Finally on the 22nd Gracie got to go to her first official day of school. The color of the day was brown, she got to take her backpack and she loved every minute of it. Oh to be 5 again.

Being silly.
My 4 biggest kids headed off to school.

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