Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Adam's Blessing

Adam Patrick Newbry

We held Adam's blessing on Sunday, October 10th. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful blessing. Both sets of Grandparents came up for the blessing along with Kenny's sister Karen and her family and my Aunt Cindy. It was so nice to have family make the trip up to join us. The blessing itself was wonderful and Adam did very well, keeping quite during the entire thing. Kenny did a great job. He didn't once call Adam Daniel, which is often done in our house, and when saying his name he did not call him Adam Patrick Holderness (Kenny's uncles name is Patrick Holderness and he was afraid he was going to screw up the name.) I was able to listen to the entire blessing because my kids were scattered around the benches with there cousins and Grandma's. The only unusual part was when Gracie snuck up to the front of the chapel to join the men and the blessing. That little girl is so sneaky. No one saw her go, but I did quickly walk up and retrieve her before the blessing started. I feel very fortunate to have a husband who holds the priesthood and is able to bless our babies. It's such a wonderful feeling to sit in the stands and listen to your husband bless your new baby. I am one lucky Mommy.

Our (not so little) family of 8

With Grandma and Grandpa Gass

With Grandma and Grandpa Newbry

Mom, Dad, and baby Adam

I wanted to share a little side story while I'm thinking of it. Way back 4 1/2 years ago we were blessing little baby Hannah Beth. We were supposed to be moving to Virginia and were kind of in between houses at the time so we held her blessing at my parents house over conference weekend. During her blessing Kenny blessed her that she would always stay close to her brothers and sisters. It stuck out in my mind so strongly that day. I've often brought it up to Kenny as a way to tease him about our family. I'd remind him that he used the plural words of brothers and sisters. I love thinking back on that time now that we have our complete family. We have managed to get brothers and sisters for all of our kids. I really do believe those words all those 4 1/2 years ago were said for a reason and that they stuck in my mind for a reason. I think it was God's way of letting us know we weren't done yet.

Grandma Newbry holding a very happy baby Adam. (Thanks Grandma for sharing your pictures.)

Grandpa Newbry holding Adam

Adam sitting in his bouncer watching everyone during dinner.

I have a similar picture of Daniel in the same bouncer after his blessing just over a year ago.

After Sacrament meeting we headed back to the house for lunch/dinner. We had hot sandwiches and salads which turned out wonderful. It was very simple yet yummy at the same time. It was so nice to visit with family and to watch my kids play with their cousins. We've been so busy lately we don't get to see family that often. I will forever be grateful for the men in my life who were able to take part in Adam's blessing, for the family who made the trip up to share in our special day, and to God for giving me such wonderful children.

A picture of Dan hurt eye. Dan was walking and pushing the girls doll stroller when he slipped and slammed his fame on it. Poor guy. I guess that'll teach him to play with girl toys. :)

Our sandwich meal.

The kids table.

I love sleeping babies. Happy blessing day Adam.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

He is just so very, very cute! He looks like a happy baby.