Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's Pumpkin Time

All 6 pumpkins lit up and ready for Trick or Treaters.

We actually carved our pumpkins before Halloween this year which is a real feet in this house lately. I've been really bad with holidays lately and not getting things done. I have a goal to keep getting things done and not putting them off. Hopefully not being pregnant all the time will help with that. Anyway, we carved pumpkins on Saturday the 30th. It worked out prefect and allowed us to have freshly carved pumpkins for the Trick or Treaters that night. Kenny and I opted out of pumpkins this year and I think we'll be opting out of pumpkins for the next many years. I personally think 6 pumpkins is enough to carve, what do you think? So instead of carving our own, I helped Adam with his pumpkin and Kenny helped Dan (OK we really designed and carved them ourselves, but we gave all the glory to the little boys.) So, here's our pumpkins from this year. Enjoy the many pictures.

How is it that my little girl is getting so big?

Sarah really wanted the great big, huge pumpkin that was decorating our entryway.

Ben drew his pumpkin himself. Kenny modified it a little by making the fangs go down into the mouth instead of up. Other than that Ben drew it himself and he was very proud of it.

Of course, Ben had to have a silly picture.

Hannah wanted her pumpkin to have a sweet face, but still have it's tongue sticking out.

And Hannah, being the child who enjoys hugging everyone and everything, had to hug her pumpkin.

Gracie and Daddy designed her pumpkin complete with its big nose. I think it goes perfectly with her messy, moppy hair.

I just loved this picture. It's so Gracie.

Dan/Daddy's pumpkin. Kenny's so creative with pumpkins. I think I'll nickname him the pumpkin king.

Dan sure thought it was awfully cool.

Adam got stuck sharing a pumpkin with me. That's OK by him though. Maybe next year he'll care, but not this year.

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