Monday, November 22, 2010

3 Months Old

Adam turned 3 months old on Friday the 19th. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It seems like he's always been in our family, but it also seems like he just got here. I guess that means he's suppose to be apart of our family. Either way we're happy to have him and the entire family loves him and is enjoying having him around.

Adam's staying awake more, he's starting to interact with us more, and he's showing a little personality. He likes to smile, mostly at Mommy which bothers everyone else. I love sitting and watching him smile from ear to ear. He's also begun making those cute little baby noises. I'll sit up with him after the kids have gone to bed and hold him and talk with him. It's one of my favorite times of the day. His new found joy in me has made nursing him more difficult, he stops a lot to smile and talk to me, but I love it and can't complain.

Adam does enjoy the other family members as well. He smiles at Kenny from time to time and he's even smiled and Sarah and Hannah. Dan loves his little brother very much and tries so hard to be a nice boy. He'll pull the binky out of Adam's mouth just so he can put it back in, the loves to pat him on the head, and he tries to sit by him (on him) when Adam's in his bouncer seat. I really believe all these things are ways Dan's trying to be helpful to Adam. When Adam cries, Dan always turn to look and often goes to try and help. He'll grunt at me to get my attention. I know he loves Adam, he just doesn't know how to be soft yet. For awhile I worried about how much Adam would like Daniel. Whenever Adam hears Dan coming he tightens up and tries to move a little. Honestly I don't blame him. Sometimes when Dan comes charging me I tense up and try to move a little. The other day, however, we caught them together and Adam gave Dan a great big smile. It was very cute and made me excited for when they get older. Hopefully they'll be the best of friends.

Anyway, that's Adam's world. He's not rolling over, talking, or walking yet, but he's still cute. He's a chunky baby boy who gets a lot of love from his brothers and sisters. He sleeps well at night, about 7-8 hours most nights, and has been a real joy to have around.

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