Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wrapping Presents For Siblings

Every year we have our kids draw names so they can give presents to each other. This is much easier and more fun now that we have such a big family. It's fun for the kids to choose a name and to look for presents for them. In past years it was only Sarah Kate and Ben who understood, but Hannah got it this year and really enjoyed picking a present out for Gracie. I got the opportunity to sit down with each of them on Christmas Eve while they wrapped their chosen present for their designated sibling. (Be warned there are more pictures than there probably needs to be.)

Gracie's version of 'helping' to wrap Sarah's present.

The finished present. She was so proud.

Hannah's turn. She's at the age where it's so much fun to just put tape all over the present, especially in places it's not needed. It's all about the tape.

The finished present. She did a great job.

Ben drew Daniel's name and he had a lot of fun choosing a toy and wrapping it. He's getting big enough that he can do a lot of the wrapping by himself. The sucker in the mouth definitely helps.

The finished present. He was just about as proud as Gracie was.

Sarah Kate drew Hannah's name and she took her time wrapping the present just right. She did most of it by herself but asked for my help a little.

The finished present. Sarah did an awesome job.

1 comment:

rdhcph1 said...

This is so crazy, and you won't believe this, but when I saw this picture I could see Terri. It must be the same kind of thing as Sam looking like me.