Tuesday, December 29, 2009

6 Months Old

Dan turned 6 months old on the 23rd. I can't believe he's that old. The time has just flown by. He's been a wonderful baby and we're so blessed to have him in our family. Before I go into pictures I'll talk a bit about our little monkey. He had his 6 month check up today and he's growing well. I'll admit he's not as big as I thought he was, but he's growing quickly and that's what's really important. He weighs 17 pounds 13 ounces(50th percentile) he's 27 1/2 inches (80th percentile) and his head is in the 40th percentile.

Daniel's big enough now that he's starting to get a personality. He's a watcher and loves to look at his brother and sisters. He's an overall happy baby and smiles often. He enjoys bouncing in his bouncer and sitting in his seat chewing on his toys. He still sleeps a lot, but he's awake more often which is very nice. He took awhile to start getting teeth (awhile for our kids anyway) but once he started (his first tooth came the day before Thanksgiving, Nov. 26th) he kept going. He now has 5 teeth with 2 more that are just about to break through. He has mastered rolling from his belly to his back, but still hasn't rolled from his back to his belly. Ironically he's getting close to sitting up on his own. I'm sure the rolling thing will come when he wants it to.

Now onto the party and pictures. Six months is a huge milestone for a baby and we've always treated it as such. For each of our kids we've thrown a little party. It's not much; one present and a very simple cake, but it's all a 6 month old needs.

The older kids helping Daniel open his present.

Dan showing his sitting up skills in back of his new toy. We tried to get him to smile, but he just wouldn't. Oh well!

His drum set is cool because you can turn them together and they roll. Just what a learning-to-crawl baby needs.

After opening Daniel's present we did some Christmas stuff (we didn't have his party until Christmas Eve.) After eating dinner, wrapping presents and finishing the gingerbread house (see other posts, when they're done) it was time for cake. Being that it was Christmas and we still weren't ready for it, I didn't have time to make a cake. Kenny bought one at Walmart and the kids thought it was great.

Daniel with his Santa cake.
After a short nap he was much more willing to smile.

The big kids helping him blow out his candle.

Time to eat the cake. Messy, messy faces.

Daniel wasn't too sure about eating his cake at first. He'd never had anything quite so sugary.

By the time he was done he seemed to feel different about it.

Happy 1/2 Birthday my little monkey man.

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