Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Making Pizza

The girls helping to show off my first ever homemade pizza.

I've gotten this itch to try a little harder and be a little better mother. I know, crazy and sometimes exhausting, but I just keep feeling like I need to change how I'm doing things. One of the things I'm changing is how we eat. It's a very slow process, but I'm learning things a little at a time. There are many reason for this decision but the main reasons are financial (it's cheaper) and because I'm becoming more and more concerned about the food I'm feeding my kids. Processed food is so bad for us and though I grew up with it and have been eating it for years, I've decided that's not a good excuse to continue. So I'm learning to make things from scratch. It's intimidating for me, but I figure if I take it one step at a time I'll slowly get there. 

My first thing was pizza. I've always wanted to know how to make homemade pizza, but I have this crazy nervousness that keeps me from trying. I found a recipe on Pinterest that sounded pretty decent and just went for it. It took me a long time, but turned out pretty good in the end. I'll keep practicing and I'm sure I'll get faster.
They ate it so it must have been okay.
Dinner time and smiles all around.

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